Lights Up On Stage

'Ailey II' Brings the Next Generation of Dance to Miami

DANCE: Up and coming, this is the next generation of the incredible Alvin Ailey dance and they are coming to the Arsht Center. Charlotte Libov has the story.

Season Previews

What's On Its Way From Broadway To Miami For 20 Year Anniversary?

THEATER: South Florida and Miami premieres and a return of a favorite musical have just been announced for the Broadway in Miami series at the Arsht Center. Michelle F. Solomon has the preview.

Dance Reviews

Review: Miami City Ballet's 'Winter Mix' Full of Wonder and Contrast

DANCE: Miami City Ballet serves up Balanchine and a world premiere in "Winter Mix." Marj O'Neill Butler has the review.

Theater Reviews

Review: Slow Burn Theatre's 'Parade' Is Thrilling, Shocking and Wonderful

THEATER: South Florida hasn't been on the schedule for the Broadway touring production of "Parade" but we have Slow Burn Theatre at the Broward Center and their production is riveting. Aaron Krause has the review.

Editors Picks

What's Happening: Enjoy Local Arts

WHAT'S HAPPENING:What's happening in the Magic City? has the list.

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