Lights Up On Stage

Miami City Ballet Presents 'Spring Mix'

BALLET: The Miami City Ballet's "Spring Mix" program is full of fresh and invigorating dance.

Editors Picks

What's Happening: Enjoy Local Arts

WHAT'S HAPPENING:What's happening in the Magic City? has the list.

Arts at Large

At Tale Of Two Galleries: 'Fragile Terrain' And 'Open Water' Bring the Outside In

VISUAL ARTS: Three interesting exhibitions on view in Miami are thoughtful meditations. Irene Sperber has the reviews.

Theater Reviews

'All the Natalie Portmans' at Thinking Cap A Moving Family Story

THEATER: Thinking Cap Theatre, now at the Hollywood Central Performing Arts Center, presents an original and moving play about fantasy and family. Aaron Krause has the review.

Theater Reviews

Review: Zoetic Takes Traditional 'Fiddler on the Roof' And Makes It Original

THEATER: Under Zoetic Stage Artistic Director Stuart Meltzer's thoughtful direction and smart staging, a fine cast of versatile performers beautifully captures "Fiddler on the Roof's" humor and pathos. Aaron Krause has the review.

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