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Gallery: Launch Party for SFla Symphony
Nov 7, 2018
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Meet And Greet Launch Party For Porgy And Bess South Florida Symphony welcomed guests to the Jewish Museum of Florida on Monday night, Nov. 5 to meet members of the cast, director and musical director of its upcoming production of "Porgy and Bess."
Amelia da Rosa and Vivien Dorsey
Annsheila Turkel
Beth Holland and Paula Valad
Bibi Andrade and Nathaniel Reed
David Sexton and Richard Jay Alexander (Porgy and Bess Director)
Donald and Wendy Saltzburg
George Neary
Jacqueline Lorber (CEO South Florida Symphony), Ira Giller (Board Chairman of Jewish Museum) and wife Honey, and Isabel B. Anderson
Keith C. Wade, Derek and Theresa Davis
Kyaunnee Richardson (Clara) performing Summertime from Porgy and Bess
line Lorber (CEO South Florida Symphony) welcoming guests
Liz Baker and Camille Fox
Miami Herald writer Howard Cohen and Claire Laurence
Miamiartzine Publisher Harvey Burstein and Nancy Doyle Cohen (Jewish Museum of Florida)
Michael Graubert and Marc Lamb
Neil Nelson (Porgy) and Kyaunnee Richardson (Clara)
Porgy and Bess present by South Florida Symphony Orchestra
Richard J. Alexander (Porgy and Bess Director) sharing info about Porgy and Bess production
Sandra Seligman and Gerald A. Smith
Sebrina Alfonso (Music Director), Neil Nelson (Porgy), Kyaunnee Richardson (Clara), and Richard Jay Alexander (Director)
Vivian Fulop and Mark Nedln with South Florida Symphony
Photography: James Cubby
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