What do you love most about Miami?
Miami is my home. I love everything about it but if I were to have to say one thing that I like the most, I would say the culture. It’s so diverse, especially with a lot of Caribbean influences like Cubans, Dominicans, Haitians and Jamaicans. It can be seen in the people, the architecture and the art. Miami’s culture is very flavorful, just like Goya or Badia.
How did you get started as an artist?
I was gifted with the natural talent since birth and I would always draw, everyday, when I was a kid so I’ve always been an artist. A couple of years back I didn’t know that making a living as an artist was even a possibility. Nobody told me that I could do that when I was a kid until I got older and realized that it’s more than possible and the opportunities are endless. The main reason I got into art as a profession was because of my mother. I was scared to become an artist and didn’t know whether I should do it or not until one day my mother looked at me and cried. She told me that she didn’t want me to wake up every morning dreading to go to work or hating what I do and if this is what I’m good at then this is what I should do. My mother is a mail carrier by the way and ever since that day I vowed to one day save us all from the daily "struggle" through this gift and curse that I possess.
How would you describe your art?
It’s dark, energetic, childish, and downright elegant.
Where do you see your art going?
All around the world and hopefully Mars when we get there.
What are you currently working on?
I don’t want to ruin the surprise, but let’s just say it’s a combination of the future and past.
What is your favorite museum?
The Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
You often take inspiration from film. What is your favorite film and why?
I really can’t say what my favorite film is but I’m huge fan of Darren Aronofsky films, especially “Requiem For A Dream” and “Black Swan.” Those movies are so intense, psychological and he captures the mood quite perfect. The endings of both movies are over the top, visually and mentally, especially with the music and special effects or how he uses the human form so well. In “Requiem,” look at how at the end everybody goes into the fetal position. They are all equally destroyed and hardened yet so vulnerable. It’s insane. I also find inspiration through pornography. It’s equally intense and captures humans in such an animal and primitive state.
What is the best advice your parents ever gave you?
Make money, be happy and, most importantly, stay focused on what you want to do and do whatever you gotta do.
What is your biggest dream?
To be happy and to make sure my family is happy.
What do you have planned for 2014?
I’m currently working on many projects. I will surely do a lot more work here and in New York. I will be curating my very first show, which should be a lot of fun. I am also working on a solo show, probably later on in the year. It’s going to be a busy yet a prosperous year, I can feel it.