Lights Up On Stage

World Premiere And Balanchine Bring Fire To Miami City Ballet's 'Winter Mix'

DANCE: The Miami City Ballet presents its "Winter Mix" with a world premiere by choreographer Pam Tanowitz. Dance writer Diana Dunbar has the story and the interview.

Festival Report

Get Ready For The 61st Annual Coconut Grove Arts Festival

FESTIVAL: The Coconut Grove Arts Festival returns for its 61st year. Here is a small sampling of some of the artist who will be showing and selling their wares.

Editors Picks

What's Happening: Enjoy Local Arts

WHAT'S HAPPENING:What's happening in the Magic City? has the list.

Arts at Large

Trekking Through The Arts: The Tale of Two Field Trips

VISUAL ARTS: From Pinecrest in Miami-Dade County to Hollywood in Broward County, our art critic at large goes on a two county trek. Irene Sperber is on the road.

Theater Reviews

Review: Welcome To GableStage's Gripping Production Of 'Appropriate'

THEATER: At GableStage in Coral Gables, the Lafayette family has gathered to go through their late father's things. The seven-member cast inhabits the space and the characters. Aaron Krause has the review.

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